Dystonia Diary

This is what it's like to have cervical dystonia - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Actually, there's nothing good about it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Not too bad

Had a doctor appointment today, for a follow-up. The Botox I got in August is still working. My dystonia is only a little worse - a little more turning, and my left shoulder is starting to hunch up, but the pain relief is still good. Botox usually lasts 3-4 months, and I'm hoping I won't need more next month. It looks like I may not. I'm not getting my hopes up though, because I've crashed-and burned too many times already. I've had more than enough dispair. If I don't get my hopes up too high, I won't be disappointed. My former nurse case manager used to tell me to think positive, and to keep my hopes up. Since dystonia is incurable, what would I be hoping for, except the continuation of my expensive and painful treatment?

After talking to my insurance adjuster, it looks like I'll at least get treatment for a while. She's just waiting for more paperwork so she can "do the math", and figure out what I'm entitled to. She thinks it should work out good for me. We'll see.


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