Dystonia Diary

This is what it's like to have cervical dystonia - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Actually, there's nothing good about it.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

More insomnia

My insomnia came back Saturday. The extra Baclofen I started taking the day before Thanksgiving just helped a little. The only thing it does is help with flexibility and excessive stiffness. It's certainly better than nothing, but I need to be able to stay asleep at night. Because of all the stress I'm under now (and probably will be for some time), I don't think it'll ever happen.


At 5:22 AM, Blogger celtic_mist said...

I wonder how much of the sleep problem is due to the hours you work. I suspect a lot of it is, sometimes one can be just too tired to sleep!

At 3:48 PM, Blogger I go by many names... said...

Sorry I took so long to respond, but I've been offline for a long time now, and the wait at the library for a computer can be long...

I've thought about that, but I only work 4 hours a night (except during the Christmas shopping season), and I go to bed at the same time every night. The insomnia gets worse as my neck gets worse, so I should be sleeping better soon thanks to the Botox I got a couple of days ago.


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