Dystonia Diary

This is what it's like to have cervical dystonia - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Actually, there's nothing good about it.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Request for Botox

At my last Dr Appointment last Tuesday, he said he'd request approval for more Botox. Needless to say, I was very pleased to hear that, because both my sternocleidomastoid muscles ache all the time. BTW, I had to look up the spelling of that muscle, and I still can't pronounce it. *lol*

I hope my insurance adjuster doesn't treat the request for Botox the same way he treats my mileage claim forms. They don't get delivered to him right away, and when he gets them, he overlooks them. He was late in approving the last request for Botox, but he better not delay approving this one, because the deviation is starting to make my job a little more difficult, and my insomnia is getting worse.


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