Dystonia Diary

This is what it's like to have cervical dystonia - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Actually, there's nothing good about it.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Getting worse, part 2

The weather is actually cold here, which isn't doing my dystonia any good. Since yesterday, my neck has been turning harder and tighter, and I sometimes get a burning sensation along the back of my neck. I'm glad I have an doctor appointment this Tuesday. And I'm glad I'm off work until Friday!

I got some paperwork from the Rehab company, and there were some errors in it (due to the typist, not the Rehab agent), so they fixed it (sort of) and I signed it & sent it back. It says I have "no barriers" to getting vocational rehab and another job if I need one, even though I told them on 2 separate occasions that I can't drive. Oh well. It probably won't be an issue anyway.

I was just thinking about how lucky I am that I can knit and crochet. I no longer have a social life, but I'm never bored because I have plenty of interesting projects to occupy my time.


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