Dystonia Diary

This is what it's like to have cervical dystonia - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Actually, there's nothing good about it.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Laundry day

We live in a mobile home park, and the laundry room is an easy walk from our coach. Ours is one of the closest to the laundry room. Lucky for me! The bad thing is that it's only open from 7am to 7pm. Never at night.

All I did was take 2 loads at once to the laundry room, then go back for the detergent (I can't carry both at once), and my neck got worse immediately. It's twisted to the right, and leaning down to the left, as far as it'll go. I know not to do more than one load at a time, but I have a lot to do, and my husband works during the day today and tomorrow. I'll probably do 2 loads tomorrow too. At the same time. I'm tired of doing it one load at a time, since it takes longer that way. I'll just have to suffer with the consequences. Good thing I have lots of aspirin and Ben-Gay.

Funny how even the small, common things are affected by dystonia. And how dystonia is affected by even the small, common things.

And I'm back to not sleeping well at night. The "good night's sleep" phase only lasted about 4 nights.


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